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Nissan GT-R R35 Rear Bumper Spoiler (Fin Less)

247,501 Yen

It is " the pursuit of only functional" and aero tuning parts by the design of the Super GT chassis mechanic. Turbulence will be generated in the rear tire in the house at the time of the run, but this turbulence that occur are released into the side surface portion of the vehicle from the rear tire house successively while the vehicle is moving. It is because it disturbs the air flow along the side of the vehicle, to cause detachment from the body surface, the air resistance of the vehicle is increased resulting turbulent flow emitted. For discharge from the rear tire house so as not to disturb the flow of the air flow along the side of the vehicle the turbulence generated in the rear tire house is established outlets large in this product . In addition, the outlet duct provided in the center section and the tail lamp under will demonstrate the power of the outstanding heat radiation from the exhaust system along with the release of the air pocket in the bumper aggressively. It was a rear section suitable for the GT-R truly "Design of the results of pursuing the only function".

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