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Lexus CT (ZWA10) – Tom’s Electronic Throttle Controller “LTSII”

44,000 Yen

Tuned the throttle opening and the movement of the accelerator pedal, to eliminate the sluggish feeling of the electronic throttle
equipped car specific. A sharp response to accelerator sports driving time, and linear, to win the strong acceleration has been noted.

Choice of accelerator response suited to drive various scenes mode of stage 6 by (ECO1 / ECO2 / SP1 / SP2 / SP3 / SP4) switching.

Normal return function of the relief. The safe design back to OFF automatically when starting the engine.

■ ECO1 / 2 MODE

Eco mode is set with a focus on traveling in urban areas. To improve the response of running at low speed, in a situation such as repeating the stop-and-go, without having to depress the accelerator large, providing a pleasant and stress-free acceleration. 
※ It is the expression when compared to the "SP" mode, that they are saving the most fuel consumption.

■ SP1/2/3/4 MODE

SP mode is by design with improved throttle response dramatically. Pull out without response is agile with an increase in the number, it reacts directly to the delicate movements of the accelerator, the exhaustive performance engine inherent. Realising strong acceleration in the entire region is to obtain a feeling of acceleration of the functional that never want to turn OFF the switch Once you experience once.

Model Year – H22.12 ~

Engine Model All engine model

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